Psychology and Self-DevelopmentWisdom and Advice

Who told you that love means tolerating and enduring the behavior of others?

The True Meaning of Love and Self-Love

We often have a mistaken perception of what love truly is and what it means to love ourselves (self-love) and, consequently, to love our lives. In an effort to shed light on the ambiguities and misconceptions that sometimes reach my ears, I am sharing with you the following text from the book The Secret of the Heart Magnet by Ruediger Schache.

Love: Often Misunderstood!

Where in the universe is it written that love means tolerating and enduring the behavior of others?

Yes, love means accepting others as they are, but it also means valuing the gift of your own life so that you do not deny yourself.

Where is it written that we are not allowed to hurt anyone with the decisions we make for ourselves?

If someone is suffering from a situation, a sign of love is to mobilize and put an end to that suffering. It is not a sign of love to suppress yourself, nor does it bring any reward, contrary to what generations of mothers have told their children. Making decisions for yourself and ensuring your happiness in life is not irresponsible.

Where is it written that love means taking responsibility for another person’s happiness and fulfillment?

The moment you believe you are responsible for another person’s happiness, you can say goodbye to the love of your own life. Another person may feel happy when they are with you, but happiness has many sources, and if you were to disappear from this world tomorrow, their life would still go on.

Does Love Really Mean Having No Expectations?

This is one of the greatest conflicts surrounding the concept of love. Yes, love itself has no demands. But being human means having needs, desires, and passions. If you love yourself, you will naturally allow others to find their own integration.

How Would Life Change If You Truly Loved It?

  • Many conflicts would disappear or be resolved more easily because you would no longer need to seek or trade love, recognition, or validation.
  • You would attract more people who feel good around your energy.
  • You would keep at a distance those who cannot handle your independence and inner freedom.
  • You would blame others less because you would also blame yourself less.
  • You would be more confident because you trust yourself. Others would change their attitude towards you in a positive way.
  • You would reduce impulsive actions and reactive behavior towards others. Even if given the chance, you would no longer feel the need to react to others.
  • You would no longer strive to be “lovable” or “good” just to be liked. Yet, you would still perform acts of kindness driven by love.
  • You would seek less validation and recognition.
  • You would no longer allow others to take advantage of you.
  • You would be less easily hurt.
  • You would be able to give without expecting anything in return.
  • You would be able to do things without feeling regret.
  • You would be able to acknowledge your discomfort without feeling compelled to act upon it.
  • Many allergies, psychosomatic illnesses, and bodily complaints would diminish or disappear. As a result, there would be much less emotional baggage stored within you.
  • You would engage in activities that fulfill you and for which you are rewarded.
  • People who have worried about you will worry less.
  • People who have depended on you will find their freedom because your self-love will cut these mutual dependencies. This does not mean abandoning others; rather, you will be closer to them than ever before because you do not feel obligated to them. And when you feel it is right to leave, you will. In such cases, it will be better for the other person too.

People who have lost their love for themselves may rediscover it because the radiance of your love will be transmitted to those around you. Through the law of alignment, your love will bring out love in others. If someone is not yet ready for this, the field of self-love will create a protective barrier around you.

And All This Without Any Plan or Effort!

The love of your life is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others. So, there are many positive reasons to prioritize yourself. All you need to do is make a decision: to experience what happens when you dare to explore this journey.

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